The TreemsTeam benefits from the management's immense entrepreneurial experience, its high motivation and its interdisciplinary. The management is supported through experienced advisors and high potential internal staff.

The core management team consists of:

Matthias Rosenberger
Entrepreneur, at Treems for General Management
Matthias is the visionary thinker and founder of Treems. He has been the founder and CEO of several companies and makes use of his experience as entrepreneur. Matthias gets the big picture and is focused on building up a strong team while working on the strategic activities of the founding phase.
“I joined the TreemsTeam because I would like to enable everyone and anyone to save and show his own tree.”

Dr. Bernhard Doll
Innovator, at Treems for Techniques & Operations
With a solid background in IT and management, Bernhard is an expert in developing innovative services and hybrid solutions for a variety of industries. He has (co-) founded a range of companies in the IT-service industry and currently serves as the chairman of supervisory board of SiteForce AG. Bernhard is in charge of making sure the Treems' technological backbone works.
“I joined the TreemsTeam because I want to give back our nature the real value it deserves.”

Kathrin Zabel
Psychologist, at Treems for Communications & PR
Kathrin makes her contribution to the TreemsTeam with her psychological know how. She is a communication and PR expert and has another focus on marketing issues at Treems. Kathrin has four years experience in managing organizational changes, in training and coaching and about ten years experience as board member in several associations.
“I joined the TreemsTeam because Treems gives me the opportunity to bring my skills and competencies into service of the conservation of our planet.”

Fabian Seul
Finance strategist, at Treems for Finance & Sales
Fabian has been active in the financial sector for over ten years and is focused on the clean tech industry. He has been CEO Executive Assistant at Allianz Group in Munich and worked for the risk management for Porsche Financial Services in Chicago. Next to corporate finance activities, he is about to gain his PhD in entrepreneurial finance and is founder of various companies. Fabian is fascinated by the dynamics that solid young company can develop and supports this process with his expertise in this field.
“I joined the TreemsTeam because I think Treems is an outstanding idea and concept – it was not just a good fit but the opportunity to be part of something exceptional.”

Markus Bodenmeier
Procurement and mobility expert, at Treems for B2B Co-Operation
Markus has 15 years of experience as an entrepreneur and in leadership. He is financing and consulting multiple start-up firms and managing director of a leading procurement company. Markus has built up strategic purchasing alliances amounting to a volume of over 2 billion Euros and is Europe’s largest fleet-management company. Markus is a partner of Treems in charge of B2B-sales and strategic partnerships.
“I joined the TreemsTeam because I want to save the world for our children.”

Bill Liao
Philantrophist, at Treems for Strategic Consulting
Bill, co-founder of the social network service XING, is an Australian entrepreneur and philanthropist who has participated in seven IPO's. Xing went public 2006 and has since become one of the world's leading business-to-business social network platforms. His current endeavor is to help making the world more sustainable. Treems benefits from Bill's experience with web-based start-ups while he also brings in a wide network for strategic partnerships.
“I joined the TreemsTeam because noble causes just do not come any better than preserving our vital rain forests and this is what has me be a passionate Treems supporter along with my own weforest project.“

“We do not inherit the Earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children.”
Besides the earth that we owe them, there are two more things we are to hand on to our children: roots and wings.

‘Save a tree, share the dream!’
People want personal experiences and what is more moving than having your own tree; protecting it from harm and preserving it to be passed on to future generations? We make this possible and give more than 80% of the single payment per tree directly to conservation issues.
Our goal is to have protected 200 million trees and their valuable ecosystems within the next five years.

The TreemsMission is to contribute to the conservation of our world by saving trees as one of the most important factors on climate change. We want to mobilize masses of ordinary people in a transparent, effective and economically sustainable way. Anyone and everyone can thus actively participate in nature conservation. Treems combines a systematic approach, a great team and expert partners to reach this vision; its proof of concept has lately been provided.

Like our trees need roots to stably stand on, we believe that we need basic guidelines to run our business. Our defined core values are:
We know that we are not alone in the world and we believe that the worst attitude towards our surrounding (people around us, the environment, even inanimate objects) is disinterest. Therefore we care for each other and meet every one respectfully. The same is true for our nature and environment.
We know that there is a lot to be done; in our everyday-business as well as in following our vision. In order to achieve our goals, we need to leave distractions behind and zero in on the relevant issues. Delivery is the key to a successful business!
Working for Treems is part of our lifestyle. There are lots of reasons for us to have fun at work – we all identify with our corporate culture and we have a great team and great supporters. Working on our goals every day gives us pleasure. Therefore we always keep on smiling :)
Following our vision means that we sometimes have to challenge the status quo and to be disruptive in an innovative manner. We believe that we can make a huge change by doing so.
We believe that being authentic is the key to a fulfilled personal life, to respectful and honest cooperation between all human beings and – very shortly – to a better world.
Everyone taking part in Treems (as team member, partners, customers & allies in general) may know every necessary detail about Treems. We are transparent in our value chain and show the structure of our company. All necessary information about the whole mode of operation and procedure is available.
“We provided solid roots for Treems to stand on, now let’s give it wings and make it fly.”

The idea is to contribute to nature conservation by saving single protected trees in the tropical rainforests of our world. Halting deforestation is a good starting point with a view to climate: saving existing trees has an enormous impact on the world’s air, water and biodiversity.
Pick & Save.

We give our customers the opportunity to protect individual trees and to show their commitment online to spread the message to their family and friends.
Having spent some time gathering more detailed information about already proven methods, we developed our unique approach. It consists first of all of our product, the protection of a concrete, visible and already existing tree in its valuable ecosystem in the rainforest. Our customers can easily pick trees on our website and thus save them. The amount per tree is currently referring to the size of the treetop seen online. Its onetime payment guarantees the protection of the tree for up to a whole generation of 30 years, depending on contractual agreements with our land partners.
Treems will partner with landowners (private, organizational and governmental). We will make our knowhow and techniques available for the land partners and will additionally support them concerning relevant aspects of protection methods. Since it’s the partners’ decision how to make sure the trees are safe, we are going to rate their protection and make the rating information available for our customers. Then the user can choose from which partner he will save his individual trees.
Of course we are going to monitor the land partners and their protection approaches.
The partners will receive 80% of the customers’ monetary input for conservation issues. Therefore we offer them an alternative income possibility than deforesting.
The very first land partner will be the Treems Trust where all protection, tagging and monitoring methods are being developed and perfected.
Each tree comes along with an airborne picture, its individual protection duration and its geo coordinates. Additional information about its location and his impact on air, water and biodiversity are provided. We guarantee the protection of the trees in a threefold way. Having picked and saved trees, the customer can show his commitment and share the dream via social networks and with our online widgets.
Ecology meets Economy.

Leveraging the vast new resources of social media and global online mapping makes our TreemsModel possible.
By turning nature conservation into a tradable good, we connect ecology and economy. Thus we create a link between both sides: those onsite who could protect the trees because they hold them but need money and power to protect and us who have the money and power and who would like to contribute but have not yet found a suitable solution. So Treems allows the direct exchange of trees and money for their protection. Treems develops a win-win situation to all parties through the new marketplace solution. Nature conservation becomes a lifestyle commodity we distribute innovatively via multiple sales channels.
Our goal is to have protected 200 million trees and their valuable ecosystems within the next five years.
Tandem structure

Many people are interested in nature conservation and there are lots of organizations and companies trying to sell conservation. Unfortunately there are as well many dubious offers available.
We keep our promises and try to foresee possible risks. Thus we build up a tandem structure of Treems GmbH/Ltd. (Germany/UK) and Treems Trust (Switzerland) as the first land partner.
The Treems Trust is the contractual partner of both the partners and the customers and holds the land and trees. It is operating as a non-profit organization and charges the Treems GmbH in Munich/Germany with Marketing Services and IT Infrastructure as the transaction platform. More than 80% of the customer’s monetary input is used for conservation issues. The Treems Ltd. in London is on stand by and will be later employed for international marketing issues.
The reason for the tandem structure is that we wanted to establish a social enterprise, combining non- and for-profit aspects. The for-profit aspects allow us to use economical market mechanisms while the non-profit aspect can guarantee the protection of the trees for up to one generation (between 10 and 30 years, depending on agreements with our land partners): the Treems Trust is independent of the existence of the Treems GmbH/Ltd. So regardless of the status of the Treems GmbH/Ltd., the Treems Trust makes us keep our promise of protecting the customer’s trees for the signed duration.
We believe that only in this combination, we can be big and powerful and social and safe at the same time.
As a matter of fact in the issue of rainforest protection, one can never guarantee 100% certainty. Therefore we install an additional safety and maintenance fund. If a tree will be destroyed by external power, the fund will allow Treems to give the customer a new tree. The fund will not step in if the tree dies due to natural power.
We are currently founding the Treems Trust. When it is established, we will be able to make more transparent information available about the stream of cash and other relevant aspects.

Treems has successfully started its business as a social enterprise and integrated land partners to its service and partnered with several experts. It lately reached its prove of concept and is successfully on its way to build up an international marketplace for trees.
In December 2009, the Treems GmbH was founded and we moved into our office in Munich. We built up a strong team and hired an investment. Since then we work on sharing the dream! :)
We are in cooperation with the TUM Technical University of Munich since January 2010 and with the DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt and the ESA European Space Agency since May 2010, where we also got a co-funding.
The Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs co-funded us since June 2010.

Having saved 200 million trees.
Yeah, finally reached the goal of 200 million safe trees in their ecosystems in the tropical rainforest areas of our world! ;)
We successfully created a new market and fortunately, there were many followers copying our pioneering concept and thus building up a huge powerful mass of tree keepers. The more followers, the bigger the impact on halting deforestation! Let’s realize this dream together!